DUI’s Can Be Beaten!
Whatever it is referred to in your state, DUI, DWI, OUI – Driving Under the Influence is not only a serious problem that can have long-term consequences on your life, but is also one of the most-charged crimes in the country.
Being convicted of a DUI can have a devastating impact on your life.
On average, a DUI can set you back $10,000 in attorney’s fees, substantial fines and court costs, will result in lost time at work, higher insurance rates, car towing, and more.
Your Driver’s License will most likely be suspended just for being charged with a DUI, even if you are not convicted!
And you will most likely face jail time as well!
Because of all these potential negative consequences, it is important that if you are charged with a DUI, you exercise your rights to defend yourself, and hold the police and the state accountable to do their jobs the right way.
By Entering Your Email below, you will receive your Free Report
The information contained in this report will be INVALUABLE to you in defending yourself against your DUI Charge!
Here is just SOME of what you will receive!
Chapter 1 – Cues for Drunk Driving at Night
These are things that, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NHTSA, police should look for when they are on patrol at night. Let’s face it – The police don’t tell you what they are looking for until after they’ve already seen it!
Chapter 2 – Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus – “The Eye Test”
You will learn The Three Things police are looking for when they administer an HGN test as part of a DUI investigation. You will learn how police are supposed to administer the test, and factors that can cause you to appear under the influence, even if you are not!
Chapter 3 – The Walk and Turn Test
You will learn exactly how police are instructed to administer the Walk and Turn Test, and why the test is actually designed to make you fail! You will also learn how to impeach the officer as to your performance on this test.
Chapter 4 – The One Leg Stand Test
You will learn why police testify that the One Leg Stand Test is a good indicator of impairment and your ability to drive, and how the officer’s impression of how well you did is actually a completely subjective estimate! You will also learn tricks that officers use when administering this test!
Chapter 5 – The Rhomberg Modified Test
You will learn that although the Rhomberg Modified test is often used by police, it is NOT STANDARDIZED and therefore NOT RECOGNIZED by NHTSA as a valid test as a means to determine impairment. You will learn that in fact there are several tests police use that are not standardized by NHTSA.
Chapter 6 – The Finger to Nose Test
You will learn that although this is the test you always see on TV, it is one of the least accurate tests used! You will learn why, since this test is not standardized, the officer can require you to do different tasks, but he will not demonstrate it for you.
After reading this Report, you will understand that you are being given multiple tests without being told how they are being graded!